
Information You Need to Know About Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are a great way to restore your smile if you're dealing with badly stained, discolored, or otherwise unsightly…

Marc F Bianco DMD

Baby Teething Remedies to Try at Home

Many new parents call our office hoping to find out about baby teething remedies to get through what can be…

Marc F Bianco DMD

Why You Should Visit a Cosmetic Dentist for Dental Veneers

As a cosmetic dentist, we can improve the appearance of your smile using dental veneers.  A veneer is a thin…

Marc F Bianco DMD

Clear Braces for Grandma

No one said that clear braces were only for youth. In fact, we are treating more and more patients who…

Marc F Bianco DMD

Why Do I Have Sensitive Teeth?

If you are currently suffering from having sensitive teeth, know that you are definitely not alone. Many dental patients claim…

Marc F Bianco DMD

Visit a Veneers Dentist to Straighten the Appearance of Your Teeth

When you visit Dental Health Associates, PC, a veneers dentist office, we can make your teeth appear straighter using dental…

Marc F Bianco DMD

What to Expect at Your Dental Check-Up

We recommend that you schedule a dental check-up at least twice a year. Many people make the mistake of thinking…

Marc F Bianco DMD

Teeth Whitening: A Cosmetic Dentist Explains the Basics

Teeth whitening has become extremely popular as more people strive to have pearly white teeth and the awesome smile that…

Marc F Bianco DMD

Be Ready for a Dental Emergency

Since you never know when a dental emergency will strike, so it is best to prepare for the worst. Imagine…

Marc F Bianco DMD

Visit a Root Canal Dentist to Have an Infection Removed

When patients experience the need for a root canal dentist, it is a much different feeling than a small cavity.…

Marc F Bianco DMD